Professor EOC(Chikata)Ijeoma Associate Director-General & Chairperson A fifteen word profile of each member can be placed here. Links to the their personal social media pages can be placed here. Facebook Linkedin
Prof. V. Naidu Associate Director-General & Deputy Chairperson A fifteen word profile of each member can be placed here. Links to the their personal social media pages can be placed here. Twitter Linkedin
Prof. E. Seeoke Associate Director-General: Academic Affairs & Research A fifteen word profile of each member can be placed here. Links to the their personal social media pages can be placed here. Facebook Twitter Linkedin
Dr. AA Ijeoma Executive Director: CESRI Foundation & New Venture Developments A fifteen word profile of each member can be placed here. Links to the their personal social media pages can be placed here. Facebook Twitter Linkedin
Dr. L Marutle Executive Director: Community Service & Internationalisation A fifteen word profile of each member can be placed here. Links to the their personal social media pages can be placed here. Facebook
Professor A Obi Associate: Applied & Commission Research A fifteen word profile of each member can be placed here. Links to the their personal social media pages can be placed here.. Facebook Twitter Linkedin
Mr. N Mdani Associate: Intergovernmental Relations(IGR) A fifteen word profile of each member can be placed here. Links to the their personal social media pages can be placed here.. Linkedin
Dr. I Lwanga-Iga Associate: Official Development Assistance (ODA) A fifteen word profile of each member can be placed here. Links to the their personal social media pages can be placed here.. Facebook Twitter Linkedin
Dr. O Dodo Associate: Pan-African Journal for Scientific Research & Innovation(PAJSRI) A fifteen word profile of each member can be placed here. Links to the their personal social media pages can be placed here.. Facebook Twitter Linkedin

CESRI Will drive its agenda through the

Pan-African Journal for Scientific Research and Innovation (PAJSRI)

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